April 20

20150404_154107I will post separate pictures of us in our garb, especially Brigitte whose dress is very elaborate. First, there’s me. (Yes, the sword is from Somewhere East Of Here. I took it off of a Turk, who didn’t need it any more, being dead.) I happen to like autumn colors very much. The picture doesn’t show it well, but the arms and legs each have different patterns of slashes. The yellow trim is a form of traditional German ruching; the pattern is called Ear of Wheat, which is why I liked it. I actually don’t know if it’s period to the 16th century and haven’t been able to research that, but I added it anyway. I made this garb about two decades ago, actually, when I was a lot less interested in authenticity.

20150404_154233Then there’s Joschka, in his “good clothes”. Brigitte took the pictures and insisted on facing everyone into the sun, so we’re all squinting. Joschka likes green and brown (and his Rev War persona, my apprentice Joshua, wears the same colors). The sleeves detach from the doublet, as did many people’s sleeves in the day.