Raven Kaldera at Cauldron Farm
12 Simonds Hill Road
Hubbardston, MA 01452
(978) 928-9795

Mengloth's Market

Saga's Homespun Books

In keeping with the handcraft theme of this market, our bookstore is wholly made up of books and booklets of interest to northern-tradition folk that are self-published through print-on-demand or self-printing presses, or handmade and hand-printed by the writers themselves. This is the only place where you can find so much Northern-Tradition material that will never be seen in bookstores, all in one place. Enjoy our little well of knowledge!

PLEASE NOTE: Books orders are through Lulu.com, and are processed separately from other items.

If you're a self-published writer of northern-tradition material and you'd like your book sold here, email cauldronfarm@hotmail.com. We will need to be sent a copy of your book - an email version is OK - to clear its content. Material must focus on the northern tradition - no general pagan, new age, or magical texts. No hate material.